Here is why student-athletes should NOT get paid: Part 1

So by now you have heard plenty of reasons as to why student-athletes should get extra money, on top of the monthly checks they receive. But for this post I have decided to switch it up a bit and talk about why collegiate athletes should not be getting paid.

The National Collegiate Athletic Association is the entity that funds student-athletes. (Source:

One of the most common reasons why student-athletes should not get paid is because they are students first and athletes second. In this case, school and various supplies should be the only thing covered for the athletes. Only 2% of college athletes end up going pro, which is primarily in sports that make revenue for their universities such as football and basketball, so on the debate if student-athletes should get paid they aren’t talking about a swimmer that goes to some school in Idaho but the rising-star quarterback making headlines on ESPN. Even if these student-athletes are complaining about their lack of financial help, they do get perks like coaching from some of the best experts in their field, medical help and free clothes along with other things.


But also lets be honest. How responsible are a bunch of teenagers and young adults in their twenties going to be with money just being handed with them? Most college students do not know how to manage money, let alone make a budget or prioritize. Now, if student-athletes do start getting paid and are not sure how to deal with the checks, it can lead them down a slippery slope and even wanting to drop money they do not have on materialistic items.

Make sure to check out PART 2 on why student-athletes should not get paid.